Thursday, July 3, 2008


The reason we headed to Vernal was to see the Dinosaur National Monument Quarry. Let's just say the Vernal embraces their dinosaur-ness. The have them everywhere. It's crazy.

At Dinosaur National Monument more than 1600 dinosaur bones are embedded in a sandstone wall. It is really quite impressive. Gary and Taryn went on an hour long fossil tour, but the Quarry Visitor Center itself is closed for repairs which was disappointing. They still enjoyed what they saw and learned.

We refueled, had lunch and then began a very long drive into Wyoming. Our goal is to get close to Jackson Hole.

We used as many back roads as possible to avoid the boring freeway driving. This took us thru Flaming Gorge National Recreation Area.
The Flaming Gorge Reservoir sits behind Flaming Gorge Dam on the Green River, and I must say Gary showed great restraint by only stopping for a few pictures. He finds dams hard to resist - just ask any of our kids.

We followed Hwy 191 up to Rock Springs Wyoming, then took Hwy 30 to Afton. All thru this area we saw Haliburton trucks. They are drilling natural gas wells and laying pipe everywhere. Hot Tip: BUY STOCK NOW!

Again we are passing thru beautiful areas of farming country. One thing we notice, the closer we get to Jackson Hole the more amazing the homes and ranches are.

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