Thursday, July 9, 2009

Sun Lakes Arrivals

**Please note the consistent stripes on the table cloth. I spent a lot of time on that**

The dates of our annual camping/water ski trip to Sun Lakes had to be moved up to July to accommodate the coming mega-busy August, so this was the long weekend that worked for most.

Britt and Shana came from Spokane after enjoying several days of vacation earlier that week; Ryan, Traci, Sam, Max, Jack, Todd, Colleen, Dan & David left Lynden before noon; and Gary, Brandon & Greta left around 4 pm. They all got there at various times and set up camp and enjoyed the first campsite evening conversations.

Taryn worked till after 7 PM on the berry picker. After she had cleaned up, and after we had moved her horse to the horse-sitter we drove the new Civic over the hill leaving Lynden at 9 pm.

It was quite an adventure for the two of us. We had several close-encounters with deer, but God very graciously spared us from hitting one.

And it was a beautiful nite for driving with an almost full moon in the sky which made the drive so beautiful. But it was a long drive and we were very thankful to get there at 2:18 AM.

Vern and Bev came the next morning on their motor bikes from Desert Canyon.

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