Thursday, June 28, 2007

The "Wright" Flight

The reason we drove so late last nite was in hopes of spending a few hours today at the Wright Brothers national Memorial on North Carolina's Outer Banks. There is an outstanding visitors center here where their story is told thru exhibits and a full scale reproduction of their 1902 glider and 1903 flyer. We had to work pretty quickly thru all the exhibits but it was fascinating. Gary really enjoyed how they pondered and solved the complex problems they encountered. It was all so well documented by the brothers.

Leaving we just had to stop at the ocean. Wonderful waves were beating against the shore and we couldn't wait to get our feet in the water....but it was oh so very cold! What a difference one state makes.

Catching a quick dinner we had to keep driving to our "resort" in Virginia Beach, Virginia. As we located it we were seemingly being buzzed by F-15 fighter jets. We weren't exactly sure where they were coming from. Once we were settled we realized we must be very, very near an air force base. We heard those planes all thru the night. Sure enough we were right next to Oceana Naval Air Station, where day and night they practice touch and go carrier landings.

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