Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Bad Book

So I took two books to read while away. My reading time is actually very sparse and closely regulated by my travel companions, so I slip in a page or two here and there, usually while they are busy.

Anyway, the first was Grisham's "The Associate". Not bad, but not nearly as exciting as the first one of his I read, The Firm. How many vacations ago was that??

My second book I literally grabbed at a store in a split second of time right before we left. A novel, the only reason I grabbed it was because the story was about a world class equestrian.

I started to read it yesterday by the pool. It begins in an interior design firm and my first clue of trouble was the main character in the book dropped an armload of grasscloth samples on the desk. Holy cow! Grasscloth??? How eighties is that??

In the next paragraph they described her "attractive sweater" (who says that?) as "light pink with a lace collar". Crumb! Now I knew I was in the eighties...and totally disgusted. How on earth did I get an eighties book???

Sure enough, it had originally been published in 1988, and now again in 2009. Double crumb!

I tried for a few more paragraphs but just couldn't read it. Never even got near the equestrian part.

Thankfully the resort has a sharing library where people leave their books behind. There is an amazing variety of titles - hardcover and paperback. I decided to share my book with the resort and found another one I hope will be a better read.

1 comment:

Ross and Taya said...

i don't even know what grasscloth is! =)