Thursday, June 26, 2008

Wonderful Wednesday

It's a new day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it!

There has never in my life been a day when I was as thankful to see the sun come up. The color on the canyon walls literally changed by the minute as the sun rose. Incredible!

Beauty surrounds us, and despite everything everyone was a trouper. Good attitudes abounded and we had tons of fun making a pancake breakfast together.

The plan is to stay here today with the houseboat, but the ski boat will head back to the marina for help with the issues this houseboat still has. Gary, Britt and Brandon took off in the Princess and the rest of us stayed behind to play.

We are in a small arm of the lake and can actually swim across the water to the rock shore on the other side. These are great climbing rocks and it has become a favorite for the swimmer in our group. That would be Ross, Taryn and Gary. There is also a slide off the top level of the houseboat and that is a blast too. Greta went from sun tanning to water sliding. A nice cooling transition.

We secured a great arsenal of water weaponry onboard and there has been countless battles. The best was teaching Isaiah to squirt his first squirt nug. This was a bit new to him and the first time he had it pointed right at himself. Was he ever surprised to be the one to get wet. That was so funny.

We are being a bit cautious with the sun. Our skin hasn't seen any yet this summer so we are fanatical about sunscreen. So far so good.

The guys got back bearing gifts and the info we needed to get the frig to work. Everyone is so excited to be here and having such a good time. We played in the water for hours. Ross took a jump from the rocks which was just a bit scary to watch.

Isaiah made his own water fun on the top deck and spent hours tranfering water from one container to the next with everything you can imagine. He had a blast. We haven't gotten him in the lake yet. That may or may not happen but it is most important that we don't scare him.

Brandon made chicken for dinner. He has a secret rub recipe that is so good. Meals are usually eaten late and is quite a process taking several hours, but everything tastes so good.

After dinner we watched a few episodes of The Office and called it a night before midnite. We DID opt for air conditioning.

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